Whether you’ve always wanted to build your own robot, create the perfect s’more over a campfire, plant a tree in your community, or film your own movie—your dreams will take flight as a Girl Scout!
If you’re ready to try fun new things, make lasting memories, discover your hidden talents, have real-world learning experiences, and—most importantly—find a safe space to be your unique self…we want you in our crew!
Sign up for our Extended Year Membership today and, for a limited
time,* you can join for $40 and keep the fun going through September
*Girl Scout membership must be renewed
annually. Membership year is October 1–September 30.
To speak with a placement specialist at the GSESC council, email Chiarissa Amos-Rivers. or call her at 843-576-7329. Please let her know the area you're in (zip code) the age or ages of the girl(s). Be sure to include your contact information: your email address and best phone number.
If you are in the Charleston and Berkeley area, email Krystal Leonhardt or text her at 843-809-2147
If you are in the Chesterfield, Dillon, Darlington, Florence (upper part), Lee, Marion, Marlboro area, then email Benita Jacobs or call her at 843-656-9752
If you are in the Clarendon, Florence (lower part), Georgetown, Horry, Myrtle Beach or Williamsburg area, email Brady Kirchner or call her at 843-626-5190
If you are in the Allendale, Bamburg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Calhoun, Colleton, Dorchester, Orangeburg area email Linda Chambless or call her at 843-300-0260